Look this page over good...There are lots of links
This site was first published as a FREE site on October 14, 2001
The first guest book was lost, BUT - I found it again.
The first counter was also lost, but I did find the count at that time -
the total visits from June 28, 2002 to February 20, 2008 ~ 1,753
We'd love to hear from you!
Photography by Evelyn D Roberts
Web pages designed and maintained
by Evelyn D Roberts ©
New Counter started
February 20, 2008
Just Another Web Site Attraction; where we live, find links to photo albums of life in New Hampshire!
Photos of Living in New Hampshire, and loving it!!! Scenes and events we enjoy throughout the year.
Evelyn D Roberts, Photographer; Pittsfield, New Hampshire; New England; Photos; Images; Pictures; Seasons; Events; Cats; Dances; hot air balloons; fun stuff; dogs; jokes; Bruce Cobb; glassblower; pictures; New Hampshire artist; handblown glass; craftsman; League of NH Craftsmen;

This site is best viewed with minimum of Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer 6.0.2900.2180 on a 2.40 gigahertz system, with 1472 megs of RAM, 200.03 gig Hewlett Packard 563w and Microsoft Windows XP, including the conveniences of a homelike atmosphere surrounding, two soft white, 100 watt General Electric brand light bulbs of indirect lighting not closer than seven and a half feet to the right of the monitor, while sitting in a comfortable, cushioned chair with armrests and rollers for ease of movement, with good music playing in the CD player (recommended blend of Folk/French Canadian/Scottish/Irish...etc.) tuned slightly low so as to allow the room to absorb the musical instruments within the confines of a room approximately fourteen feet by eighteen feet, and with a kitchen close enough for one to still be able to view the monitor, and the fridge stocked with cold drinks on a hot day, and the kitchen shelves stocked with the makings for hot drinks on a cold day.
Otherwise, any computer will work in any setting.